Is My Ankle Swelling Linked to Lymphedema?

By Dr. Jose Almeida

July 25, 2016


Any time that you experience swelling in your body, it’s a concern. You know something isn’t right and you want to get to the bottom of it so you can solve the problem. If you have any type of health condition that could affect your lymph nodes, lymphedema could be the reason that you are dealing with swelling. It’s probably the first thing that comes to mind when ankle swelling becomes a problem. Before you jump to any conclusions, it is a good idea to know the facts about lymphedema.

Understanding Lymphedema

Lymphedema is a type of swelling that typically happens in one leg or one arm. In rare occasions, you may experience swelling that affects both of your limbs at the same time. Lymphedema is a typical problem for cancer patients who have had their lymph nodes removed as a part of their treatments.

If your lymph nodes have become damaged from cancer or for some other reason, the lymphatic fluid in your body can stop flowing properly and result in swelling. Your lymph nodes and your lymphatic system are important when it comes to your immune system. If you have some type of blockage in your lymphatic system, you could experience lymphedema.

Is Your Ankle Swelling Caused by Lymphedema?

If you experience swelling in one or both ankles and you have undergone cancer treatments that have affected your lymph nodes, or you have a form of cancer that has caused a blockage of your lymph nodes, you could be suffering from lymphedema.

If you do not have cancer and are not aware of any problems with your lymph nodes, your swelling could be caused by another issue, such as pregnancy, heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems or a blood clot. In some cases, your ankle swelling could be caused by an injury to your foot.

Finding Out the Cause of Your Ankle Swelling

If you experience unexplained ankle swelling that does not go away, you should see our doctor to find the source of the problem. You could have a serious underlying condition that is resulting in persistent swelling. Our doctor will ask questions, evaluate you and study your medical history.

You can also expect our specialist to run various tests to find out what the source of your swelling is. If it is due to lymphedema, exercises, therapy, massage, wraps and compression garments can help you to find relief from the discomfort that often accompanies ankle swelling.

Contact Our Doctor About Your Ankle Swelling

To find answers about your ankle swelling, make an appointment to see Dr. Almeida at Miami Vein Center. Discuss your concerns and your options for treatment once you find out why you are suffering from swollen ankles. If you do have an underlying condition, our doctor can help you to find solutions to improve your well-being. Your health should always be at the top of your list. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at our office in Miami with our board certified vascular surgeon.

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